If you’re new to working with VBOs, there are a few things you’ll want to consider. For one, they are known for their skill-specific, on-demand talent. They are autonomous and don’t need much supervision to get the job done. Constantly learning, VBOs are always up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in their field, and you can rest assured that they’ll put their body of knowledge to work for you. Most VBOs are a dream to work with, but you can make the working relationship even better by keeping a few things in mind. Here are a few tips for managing VBOs: 

Pay them on time.

This tip is first because it’s the most important. The best way to get the most out of your VBOs is to ensure that you pay them on time every time. Doing so will demonstrate that you value their work and respect them as professionals. 

Communicate with them frequently.

Communication is key for any team, but it’s even more important for teams with remote members. Make a point to communicate with your VBOs several times a week or even daily, if appropriate. And don’t rely on email correspondence. Get on the phone with your VBOs often. 

Show them that you care by getting to know them.

When you communicate with your VBOs, don’t feel the need to keep things strictly business all the time. You’d have a little water-cooler talk in the office right?

Taking a few minutes on a call to find out how your VBO’s weekend went is a good thing. It will make your VBO feel like they’re a part of your team. VBOs aren’t robots. They’re people just like everyone else. Make sure you treat them that way.